Wednesday, November 11, 2015

There is no "D" in Los Angeles: The Lakers may ONLY be able to D-Fend the legacy of Kobe Bryant

I will forever remember that once there was a gal and she said:

"I was watching a football game with "so-and-so" and she said, "D Gate?  What IS "D Gate?"

After being puzzled for awhile the gal said back to "so-and-so" to say, " mean "D-Fence?!"

The Lakers, right now, seem to be more like "so-and-so" showing no real "SIGN" that they even know what "DEFENSE" is let alone what to do with "IT."

Dear Los Angeles Defenders:  "we" realize you have some of the D-League's top (scoring) prospects: Vander Blue, Manny Harris, et al.  However, the Lakers really need to get players in to play defense.  Guards, doesn't matter.  D-E-V-E-L-O-P the D in D-Gate PLEASE!


"yaaa, dude." THAT was Horrible and only ONE example of defensive lapses for the Lakers who, seemingly, LET the Heat just waltz right up to the basket ALL game long.

If the Lakers show extreme deficiencies on the Defensive end perhaps it's time to get creative so I asked "Coach:"

Indeed.  This is fundamentally correct.  I would like to put it another way though.  When I coach youth basketball, the biggest challenge is teaching defense and blocking out.  Young kids, initially, really struggle with the idea of putting their body onto another player to prevent them from getting the rebound.  Defense is a huge challenge as well as the offensive player always has the advantage and young players have a hard time "keeping up" with the ball.  Hence, we see a lot of ZONE in youth ball.  This CAN get them away from learning the defensive principles in a Man-to-Man.  My approach is to teach the core essentials in M 2 M but limiting each player to their "zone" or quadrant.  This way I can compensate for the lack of quickness and D as compared to the speed and skill on offense.

Just sayin.. The Lakers DO have some young players so perhaps they need to be coached MORE like Youth basketball players (?)


Maybe the Lakers CAN play inspired ball (vs ORL @ 4pm) from people that have served and protected our freedom(s) so that WE can play and watch basketball.

“He has to start getting it, just like the other young guys have to start getting it, and if they don’t, they won't play as much,” Scott said Friday, an hour before the Lakers played the Brooklyn Nets. “Playing time in this league is a very precious thing and I don’t want our guys to take that for granted. Missing assignments on a continuous basis is not going to go unnoticed. You’ve got to start developing and doing a better job on that end of the floor.”_ Mike Bresnahan, LA Times 11/6/15

May I suggest that THIS apply to ALL Lakers.  You have to earn it.  At this point I would activate Bobby Sacre and start him in tonight's matchup.


Because.  NO ONE Else is defending the rack.

ALL of the Laker BIGS are allowing too many points in the paint and making the opponent's front-court (4 and 5 spots) to look like all-stars.  If I start and play a player who has NOT played then THIS might light a fire under someone that needs it.

Thank YOU to ALL whom have served this great Nation!