Saturday, October 31, 2015

Lakers go from UGLY to FUGLY in loss to Sacramento Kings

Something "pretty" before the U-G-L-Y
Rondo, Cousins lead Kings to 132-114 win over Lakers

Any Surprise Here?

Never NICE to read a headline where two guys that were prominently spoken of regarding a potential move to bring them to SoCal end up tearing "you" a new one..(and they play for NoCal (ouch))

The reality is that the Kings have an All-Star in Cousins anchoring in the middle AND a former 4-time All-Star and NBA Champion Point Guard Rajon Rondo guiding their squad.  Add in a solid NBA veteran in Rudy Gay, an exciting and athletic draft pick in Cauley-Stein, one of the better back up point guards in Darren Collison and new additions like Belinelli and you have the makings of a more than half-way decent squad.

It is reasons like these on TOP of the fact that the West is so stacked that we are able to shrink down the litmus totem and realize where the Lakers are really at:

The Lakers start one of the greatest players of all-time, but in the previous two seasons combined, has played about half of a full 82, a 19 yr old rookie at perhaps the toughest position in this current NBA, a second year player with 14 minutes of experience after a season ending injury, a slumbering BIG that poses no threat offensively and JC (the best player on the Lakers).

I said it.

But Kobe..

Kobe what?

The drama of LA is no match for the ongoing soap series that is Kobe Bryant.  Do we really need to give THAT much attention to where ESPN ranks him and what Kobe has to say?

Fuck Rankings

I got news for you: the reality is that Kobe Bryant should be lucky to be "ranked" in the top 100 right now considering how infrequent he has been on the floor of late.  Sure, with health, Kobe is STILL one of the best and no doubt top 5 or top 10 guard worthy.

But, and it IS a BIG BUT.. he has NOT been healthy. Period.  End of conversation.

And, the Lakers, once again, start the season out in record fashion (The Lakers gave up 80 Points in the Paint) and to be giving up 122 points per game is not ONLY an embarrassment but has become the "norm" over the past three seasons for this esteemed franchise.

Face-Palmers unite:  If B Scott had hair he would be pulling it out.

At some point don't "we" have to ask the question:

Where is the D at Coach?

Mini Riles?  We keep hearing of the focus on defense and the intense training camp but "actions" will ALWAYS be louder than "words" in my book and the Lakers are pathetic in the defensive category and have been the past few seasons.

We sort of expected poor defensive rankings with the roster that Mike D'Antoni had and his basketball principles and philosophy.

Byron Scott though?

In fairness to D'Antoni, at some point Byron will become heavily scrutinized especially NOW since there is more data for management to evaluate.

But, apparently, "WHO" is at the helm makes NO DIFFERENCE.  The rosters have changed.  The coaches have been bouncing in off the ongoing retred carousel in hopes to turn this ship around.

"I told my team they had to be ready when the game starts, but they weren't ready," Lakers coach Byron Scott. "I wish I did have an answer for what happened. If I did I would solve it." _

Coach: I'm wondering now how inspire your troops.  If THIS is you reply to what happened I am very concerned.  You're the COACH. 


"We gave up 80 points in the paint. That's a lot to give up," Bryant said. "But they got a lot of penetration and on the ones they didn't convert, they got offensive rebounds and converted those."

I know that Kobe Bryant has had the "C" permanently affixed to his #24 but perhaps we need to call him, "Captain Obvious."

Excerpts from an article by Joey Ramirez _ 

Defense Absent in Lopsided Loss

Scott let the team know his disappointment during their 48-minute defensive lapse that allowed 80 points in the paint — the most by any team over the past 20 years, per Elias Sports Bureau.
“I told them at halftime, ‘Sooner or later, you’ve got to man up,’” Scott said after Friday’s loss. “Sometimes it doesn’t come down to Xs and Os. You’ve got guys going at you. You’ve got to man up.”
“We’re gonna learn going through the fire,” he said. “The young guys are going to have to learn quickly and the older guys are going to have to adjust as well.”
The 7-foot-2 Hibbert bolstered L.A.’s interior defense when he was on the floor, as he swatted five shots in 21 minutes.

“They set the tone from the beginning of the game and that was pretty much it,” said Julius Randle, who shot just 1-of-4 and had five turnovers in 16 minutes. “It was over from the beginning.”


Well, Julius Randle, you ARE technically correct since we know you got your asses wooped but to respond this way is NOT something ANY athlete should publicly say.  Please go run the hill to Griffith Observatory and THINK about what you said.  Clearly, Julius YOU gave up and your stat line reflects:

3 points, 1 assist, 1 Rebound, 5 Turnovers ?! in 16 minutes

You are a young player, Julius, so I'm not sure if YOU are aware of this term:




And, so it will go as we ride the Highs and Lows of resting our hopes and success on three very young and inexperienced players, a cast-away Center and a player that has yet to play a "full" season (min 58 games) since 2012-13.

Maybe we need some Fish...

I know of one that went to try and "save New York"