Thursday, February 4, 2016

Never Metta Bench Player that was happy: Where is Ron Artest; Los Angeles Lakers

I chuckled a little when I heard that Metta World Peace was in camp this season for the Los Angeles Lakers.

The chuckle was due, in part, to things like post-game comments like,

"I am one of the best forwards in the world."

He is RIGHT.

He is also a former NBA Defensive Player of the YEAR.  Something Roy Hibbert is NOT.

The latter starts and plays and players like Metta who, at one point this season, gave great effort and contribution for the Lakers; including the team's FIRST WIN OF THE SEASON against the Brooklyn NETS.

"I was plus twelve, I led the team in plus/minus today..that was important for me

"there is a reason why they call me doctor scientist"

The team has obviously struggled this season.  One of those struggles has been in finding playing time in the front court, particularly at the 4 and  5 spots (power forward/ center).

With Hibbert starting and playing 25 mpg and players like Randle (of course) Bass, Nance and  finding more of the floor it has made things difficult for players like Metta, Sacre and Kelly.

Tarik Black has also found himself at the mercy of Byron's delegation of playing time in spite of HIS EFFORTS and "plus/minus" for the team.

Both Metta AND Tarik have found themselves in street clothes on more than one occasion.

Metta might be this team's best defensive player. He can be utilized in spelling the young frontcourt players and make life miserable for the likes of Draymond Green (as we saw earlier this year).

Has Metta been used correctly this season?  Are the Lakers taking advantage of a peer-mentor like MWP that can LEAD by example through his work ethic and PLAY on the COURT?

He showed the effort and energy of players half his age when he was playing EARLIER in the year, but has seemingly drifted away.

It appears that Byron Scott is FINALLY going to UNLEASH TARIK ...

This Team is lucky to have a guy like Metta on the TEAM.  Like him or NOT he IS ENTERTAINING, 

"check out Metta World Peace DOT COM" said Metta, plugging his website in another recent post-game interview.

Perhaps THIS has something to do with his obscurity these days.  

Nick Young was was benched after making comments about the Lakers being a circus when they lost to Philadelphia.

If Tarik steps in and captures consistent, meaningful minutes that means Metta might be further left out.

Personally, I think he deserves BETTER

"Metta deserves Betta!"

                         In fact, hasn't he 


MWP always repping the purple and gold