Friday, February 19, 2016

Metta World Peace Says the Lakers will go 20-7

Panda Speaks! Metta World Peace, of the Los Angeles Lakers , discusses mentoring, a breakdown the young Lakers, and "Mad Kobe" moments with Phil

"Yeah, One day I do want to be a Coach...If the opportunity was to ever arise I would love to Coach one day. I think it would be fun."

Metta also spoke about how he sought help, through a psychologist, to help better himself as a person.  

He says he likes Kawhi "because he is a better version of me...he is much more stable than me."  He was referring to the problems and issues that HE was going through as compared to a more level-headed and consistent Kawhi Leonard but that HIS (Ron Artest's)  2003-2004 Season (Artest was the 2004 Defensive Player of the Year) could not be touched by Leonard.

Metta went on to break down some of the young Lakers:

Russell: "He has to play better off the ball."

Randle: "That's impressive to have THAT much upside..he has to add some hustle, some offensive put-backs and then he starts hitting that jumper...he can have a way better offensive career than Leonard."

Clarkson: "Jordan Surprised Me..I didn't know much about him...the cool thing he is showing it every night.. he HAS to become a BETTER PASSER..because he has the ball the majority of the time..I don't blow smoke up his but, I tell him to never be satisfied."

Nance:  "It took awhile to get his confidence going."  Larry would say, "I'm a hustle guy and I'm a rebounder and that's it.  And, I would tell him, no you're not, you're a shooter, you can score and you can hustle, do it're a great player WE need you to play basketball."

Metta goes on to talk about how Nance's confidence came through in a game when he hit a few jumpers and he pointed to the bench. 

"He is probably the MOST developed right now."

A question was asked whether Metta could take Randle in a boxing match.  Metta said that, 

"he is quick and he is STRONG, but I'm not sure he has a jab.."  (perhaps a little jab from Coach Peace)  

Metta went on to say that defending Shaq is harder than a boxing match.

Regarding a question on "Mad Kobe" Metta said, "one time I seen him and he was foaming at the mouth..he hit a big shot, and he was so into it..he screamed to the fans and just drool is coming out of his mouth and I'm like "this is amazing," it was amazing to watch.  He gives his ALL to the Lakers Fans and the organization."

Metta also said of Kobe, "I've never met somebody that's as passionate as I was.  I've never come across anybody, in the NBA, one of my teammates, that was as passionate as me...basically you are looking in a mirror in term of passion."

Peace reflected on his time in Cantu, Italy where he said the "pizza and pasta were AMAZING."  He said they had the best and craziest fans over there and that "they would throw water bottles and all types of things..." 

Metta would rather do yoga than bench press.  He says that at 255 pounds as a small forward he is already big and he would be around 280 or more if he bench pressed.

Metta mentions a few players as being good teammates, including Reggie Miller from his time with Indiana.  But Yao Ming he said was the best.  He spoke highly of Yao, saying, "he was AMAZING.."

He said the whole Team (2010 Lakers) was CRAZY including D-Fish.  He said, " he hit big shot after big shot and you have to be crazy to do that."  

But Metta's Favorite from that Lakers Team was Luke Walton.  He said Luke was always coaching from the sideline,

"c'mon man, you're Ron Artest...NOBODY CAN GUARD YOU."

Metta was a small forward on a team that had 15 year old Lamar Odom as a 6-11 shooting guard along with Elton Brand at the power forward for the Riverside Church Hawks in New York City.

He said the best team they played was against an AAU team that had Baron Davis and the Collins twins.  They lost to them.  The only loss they EVER had but creamed them later in the championship.

There is more commentary on questions regarding Pau and Coach Scott so take a listen.

The biggest NEWS was this bombshell:

"TWENTY AND the second half of the season...TWENTY and SEVEN, THAT IS THE GOAL."

If Mentor Metta...Ron Artest, Defensive Player of the Year 2004, World Champion Metta World Peace has ANYTHING to do with it?

I believe him.

As young D'Angelo said earlier this season,

"when Metta talks... we listen"


_ chauncey