Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Halloween? NOT at Chavez Ravine


I love the game of Baseball.  

    I've been a FAN of the

              since I can remember (79/80) which puts me at age 7/8.

     However, I am a baseball fan first and do my best to not get caught up in any "hating" on of another team or another player on the opposition.

     Growing up as a Dodger Fan you're "supposed to" "hate" the Giants.  As you grow older, hopefully you realize that hatred, of any kind, is not the best attitude, right?

     When I go to AT&T park for the "Dodger game," I find myself having good baseball talks with the fans around me.  

     I don the Dodger Blue and even engage in some friendly smack, but there is ALWAYS a mutual appreciation and respect.

     This season, at Dodger Stadium, I noticed something that really got my blood pumping: Orange and Black colored LA Dodger hats.  My first thought was, "Nooooooooo, how can THAT be?!  Giants colored Dodger hats?!"

Dodger Blue or SF Orange?

I asked the representative at the "hat kiosk" about those particular hats and she informed me that THOSE are Pepperdine colored hats and they do sell.  With a rolling of the eyes I reply with a, "Well, that maybe true, BUT, as far as I'm concerned THOSE are San Francisco Giants colors and they should NOT be sold here."

Now, this MIGHT sound funny to you, the reader, but it is NOT to me.

I am just a passionate fan that although is "ok" seeing the Orange/Black colors AT the Stadium, I feel like THOSE should ONLY be of the visiting team they represent and NOT the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Would the Lakers sell a "Celtic Green" hat at Staples?  (hopefully NOT!)

I know I am not the only one that feels this way as I have polled many fans.  So, please, if you don't mind taking an extra moment out of your busy day PLEASE follow this link and "sign" my petition to REMOVE the Orange/Black LA hats from the stadium:

Thank you for your time and consideration

PS:  Orange and Black is Meant for Halloween NOT for 
Los Angeles Dodgers