Monday, April 21, 2014

UP the Wazoo?

A favorite expression of my father is, 

         "Up the Creek (Pronounced, "Crick")!"

Spectators at Aliso Creek State Beach 4/20/14, Observing swimmers in high waters where the creek meets la playa

Some of the participants that were either trying to ride the turbulent channel OR capturing video may have had an extra hand in digging the channel out a bit but there is always a mouth at where Aliso Creek meets the Ocean.  When the surf is up and the tide is high it can certainly make for some excitement.

However, this creek might put you up "S" Creek without a paddle

Perhaps the warnings don't mean much. especially if your reward is some epic footage of the ripping current through the sandy channel, barreling down, rolling quickly like an endless wave propulsion machine...


You're not going to find me up the 

           WAZOO Crick, without a Paddle!

This past Easter, April 20, 2014, the surf and the tide were both up along the Southern California coastline and Aliso "Crick" Beach was experiencing some unique interest.  One on-looker summarized what was going on as a "spectacle."

Another passer-by said, jokingly, "I think you can grow a third eye..or a third arm or somethin', if you GO in THERE.."
