Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A MIKE BUY ANOTHER (Last) NAME? Mike D'Antoni of the Lakers on his way OUT

    Unless it is "Mike Popovich,"  

(Gregg's Fictitious Identical Twin brother that fills in for him regularly unbeknownst to anyone), 

            I strongly urge the Los Angeles Lakers to look for their next coach to be named something other than...Mike.

Mike (Brown) was signed by the Lakers in May, 2011 to a 4 year $18M dollar deal (source: NBA.COM May 25, 2011) :the fourth of which was only partially guaranteed).  He was only five games into his second of a four year term when the Lakers decided to part ways with him on November 10, 2012.
This is a statement that came from General Manager Mitch Kupchak when Mike was let go, 

      "This was a difficult and painful decision to make. Mike was very hard-working and dedicated, but we felt it was in the best interest of the team to make a change at this time. We appreciate Mike's efforts and contributions and wish him and his family the best of luck."     - (source: Abraham Gutierrez of


 As Much as this is from the Lakers PAST, might this also represent some foreshadowing with respect to the current Mike (of a different last name)...?

Mike Brown's Buyout by the Lakers has been reported as being anywhere from $6-$7M to as high as $11M.  A Source close to Mike Brown informed me that, "this information is not for public consumption," when I inquired about the particulars related to the buyout.  So, I'm going to give you a breakdown on what has already been reported: 4 yrs at $18M = $4.5 per year.  Mike Brown "only" coached five games into year two of his four-year deal, so for all intent and purpose he was owed nearly three years worth of salary, right?  So, that equals, roughly, $13.5M left on contract (+/-).  But, there is a buyout clause, AND, Mike Brown is an NBA tenured coach so he can get up to 67.5% of that remaining balance (according to a source).  I tend to believe the reported $6-$7M as the buyout amount because that math falls under the roughly %50 of the Total Contract amount of $13.5 remaining (in value, excluding guaranteed vs non-guaranteed portions).  The way I have read and understood the reports is that the, let's say, $7M buyout amount was set to be spread out over two years, so $3.5M per year.  The same source indicated in this paragraph also stated that, 

" As of the beginning of next year the Lakers are only responsible for Mike D'Antoni's contract."

On April 7, 2014, Petros Papadakis said on Fred Roggin's "Goin Roggin" on NBC 4 LA that

          "if they (Lakers) hire another Coach next year and he's terrible too, he's going to have to take the fall, and the the Lakers, the Buss Family, is paying THREE Coaches  NOT TO COACH, and you CAN'T do THAT!"

This was in response to the notion that many people (fans) are asking that the Lakers #firedantoni . What "P" didn't realize is the wisdom of his words.  He actually meant that the Lakers would probably NOT fire D'Antoni because why would they pay 1) Mike B AND 2) Mike D to NOT COACH, plus the hypothetical NEW COACH that fails and gets fired (according to "P").  However, Mr. Papadakis, the Lakers will no longer have any financial obligation to Mr. Brown (if they had any left to speak of, as reports indicate that once the Cleveland Cavaliers hired Mike Brown, the Lakers financial responsibility/ exposure was lessened: reports not confirmed).
    Mike D'Antoni has one more year left on his contract of the 3 year 12 million dollar contract 2 years ago. Recently, Kevin Ding of the Bleacher Report

wrote an article on April 2, 2014 talking about the idea of Mike D'Antoni staying next season.  Other news "outlets" like Sports Illustrated "SI WIRE."  picked up on this  and wrote it into their own articles.  

This is the excerpt that the SI publication built their article around and sent out into the Twittersphere:

"D’Antoni has one more guaranteed season left on his Lakers contract, and the club is leaning toward retaining him despite some privately disgruntled players and massive public disdain. It’s not clear which way the organization will go with him."

 Many Tweeps Tweeted and ReTweeted this "News" as a link and commented on how "D'Antoni was staying with the Lakers."  

 My blood was pumping.  "This isn't real!" I screamed.  "This can't be happening!" Ahhhhhh..

I  am immediately consumed by this news.  I click on the link.  I read.  I see nothing in the "report" that provides any data, or evidence to support the claim that D'Antoni is staying.  I then go back onto Twitter looking for other articles/ sources. "Surely, there is more to the story?". Too many people are tweeting and re-tweeting about this topic.
No.  This " so-called news" that "the Lakers are inclined to keep D'Antoni as Coach next season," was really based on the following: 

1) The obvious: Mike D'Antoni is under contract through next season and 2) Opinion by Kevin Ding that based his opinion on #1 and the fact that the Lakers had to buyout/ pay Mike Brown some coin for not coaching.

I responded on Twitter and asked Kevin Ding to "confirm his source" or "provide data to support his claim." (Crickets)

 These are some of my tweets:

This Tweet Simply ASKS if there there IS a source by suggesting that what I read seemed to be opinion, thus, he is "the source." 

In these TWEETS, I am suggesting if you are going to Report on a topic like the Lakers Coach staying one more year that you should have something to substantially back it up (other than what we ALL know which is that D'Antoni is under contract).

Days laterMr. Ding followed up, so perhaps this was in response to my TWEETS (I certainly would like to think so)

This is an excerpt from that article: "LOS ANGELES — Judging from the Twitter response to my recent column about Chris Kaman and Mike D'Antoni, the element that really got to many people was the part about the Los Angeles Lakers leaning toward retaining D'Antoni as head coach next season."

He also asks about a petition to Fire Mike D'Antoni. THERE IS (CLICK HERE).

Fred Roggin brought up the same April 2, 2014 article written by Kevin Ding, and Petros Papadakis, incidentally points out that Ding "doesn't source it so it sounds like he is talking to an agent.." Regarding Mr. Ding's take on why the Lakers might be inclined to keep MDA.


I'm saying there's a chance.  A GREAT chance that D'Antoni is not representing the #purplengold next season.  In summary (regarding the finances):

1) The Lakers no longer have ANY financial obligation to Mike Brown

2) Mike D'Antoni has one more left on contract that has been reported as being guaranteed.  Many Contracts have buyout clauses that range from a minimum % value of 39.5% Upwards of 67.5% Based on NBA tenure.  I have not been able to confirm if there is a buyout clause in D'Antoni's contract, but if the Lakers paid Mike B $3.5M per year to NOT COACH (before he was hired by the CAVS), don't you think they would be alright with the worst case $4M to MDA ??

3) All Things Possible

4) All Things ARE Negotiable

5) D'Antoni set a precedent by resigning from New York


               More to come...
