Wednesday, March 2, 2016

THE BAD: Part Two of the Lakers WIN over Brooklyn

They say that winning solves everything...

Does IT?

There has been a very different tune around El Segundo lately.  A circling of the wagons and a completely different demeanor..

The main-stream, Lakers affiliated, media has shifted into a blame-game of another sort with so much energy and attention being given to negative criticism of Byron Scott lately.

Byron Scott, who "apparently" had his Instagram account hacked when there was an exchange between "he" and a random follower 

I believe the President Bill Clinton had the same strategy regarding Monica Lewinsky.  DENY, DENY, DENY!

Byron Scott who got into a little dispute, through the media, when Don MacLean called him out saying he should play D'Angelo Russell.. (seem like he is TAKING HIS ADVICE)

Mike Tyson dons the gear of CLUBBER LANG
for a recent Jimmy Kimmel Skit.  Mr. T, who originally played CLUBBER in
Rocky III, also played a character from the "A Team" named  B.A. Baracus
Byron Scott's initials: B.A. Scott for "Antom" 
This has also been the tune of many Lakers fans this year that have been calling for more minutes for Russell.

Byron Scott who has said for most of the season,

"I don't really have an answer.  If I did we would be doing it.."

"We will have to do a better job..."    "We just don't have the effort.."

"the guys aren't listening.."

With clear evidence of growing animosity and dissension between players and Coach, Byron Scott's tune in camp has changed to ,

"They're not doing what we are telling them to do.."

CLEARLY trying to nip any sort of mutiny against the ways of B.S. in the bud these messages through the media do two things:

1) DEFLECT any responsibility from the COACH

2) Put the onus on the players

Smart play from "Camp B.A."

Play, since then has been improving in general although there have been moments of rebellion and regression like we witnessed on Friday Night (2-26-16) against the Memphis Grizzlies.

I have some questions that I would like answered:

Q1: Am I the only one that finds it interesting that Byron Scott has had to come out and PUBLICLY address whether or NOT the LAKERS are losing on purpose?

I can tell you that the sentiment Friday Night at Staples Center coming from long-time season-ticket holders was,

"we want the pick!"

Good LUCK booster club!  The Lakers, who last year had ONLY a 12.6% shot at the number 2 pick, jumped AHEAD of both NEW YORK and PHILLY to land D'Angelo Russell.  In 2014, the Lakers fell OUT of the top 3 to number 7.

By finishing in the bottom THREE of the NBA standings the LAKERS only increase their chance at a pick and WILL NOT retain the draft pick if it lands outside of 1, 2 OR 3.  In other words, there IS NO GUARANTEE...

Q2: Why is it that some 60 games in, the Coach is implementing a new offensive set that creates more ball-movement and caters more to the personnel?

Q3:  (as always) Why is it that for every game that Roy Hibbert is available he starts?  Roy Hibbert has missed one game (against Indiana, his former club) due to an ankle roll...

Byron has said they (the Lakers) are NOT losing on purpose, ie NOT "telling guys to lose."

I agree with that.

However, it does NOT take much coming from a team that may or may not have "top 8 worthy talent."

If it wasn't for Brook Lopez fouling out with just over two minutes to play Tuesday night v Brooklyn and D'Angelo going for 39, that was another loss.


..and if Byron is REALLY ALL ABOUT getting MORE minutes for the young players (which is FINALLY WHAT he is saying 60 games into the season) then why are we seeing this:


Byron had a great little "ditty" regarding D'Angelo Russell

"Leadership, to me, is NOT appointed, ya know, it's kinda anointed."

I have another one for you that stems from the ilk of Johnny Cochran's speech writer:

If the shit don't fit, he MUST SIT!

Roy Hibbert is NOT a part of the team's future.  Or.. is HE?  Has anyone asked?

If he is not, and the team is trying to WIN, and if Coach is REALLY trying to play young players MORE then why is it that ROY HIBBERT starts EVERY game and plays 22-25 minutes?

 ( see earlier remark)

"we want the pick..."

muy malo B.S. ....muy malo indeed ...and this is a CLEAR directive from Jimmy Buss

B.A. Scott from el Segundo_ interview at practice 3-1-16: