Tuesday, November 24, 2015

FAITH: Do the Los Angeles Lakers have ANY?


 So Much has been made, this Season, of the Lakers defensive struggles.  This (defense) has been topic of conversation for three years running under several different head coaches and completely different personnel on the floor.  "Fire Byron" has not only surfaced but has become prominently featured on Twitter during and especially "post" Lakers games as they typically rack another "L."  Fans express themselves in a variety of ways.

DO we really NEED to know that Coach has had them on increased defensive and rebounding drills?  This has been discussed after recent Losses... Maybe EVERYONE: FANS, Coaches, Management AND Players have ALL had "ENOUGH."

The reality is that the team, in spite of losses, IS making progress.  

D'Angelo appears to be maturing on the floor in terms of his confidence and overall play.  The team has reduced the ridiculous amount of turnovers they were rolling out not to long ago.  And they have been consistently "in games" especially after a series of good "starts."

How is the left side of the floor?  


Try Loading the left with Randle, Russell, and... BROWN?  Are we going to see the sharp-shooter from Stanford actually get a handful of minutes when it counts?  [He just rolled out 18 points a game on decent efficiency for the D-Fenders]  I suggest it happen tonight.  Who in the hell is going to guard Steph?  If Brown can fill a much needed role, in terms of specialist off-the-bench, then roll him out there tonight and let the long, lean forward take a crack on tracking Curry.  Let's see if his athleticism and frame (length) CAN bother Curry a bit.  The reality is that NO ONE is slowing Curry down so there really isn't ANYTHING to lose.  Perhaps another game, but "we" are used to it by now.  And, although any team can beat anyone on any given day, Kobe Bryant is probably NOT going to see a pretty improbable feat happen tonight when the Warriors face the Lakers at 7:30 pm.  

Tarik Black has gotten buried on the bench and Nance has not been able to capture more PT in spite of his energy and positive attributes.  In limited PT and chances he (Nance) looks like a great pick up who could perform BETTER than MANY drafted ahead of him.  In fact, in the game against Orlando this year his play and numbers were BETTER than the previous year's number 4 pick (Aaron Gordon_ UofA).

The numbers between GSW and LAL do NOT compare.  One team is resting at the top in ALL categories, including wins at 15-0. and the Lakers are bottom-feeding once again.

There is one category, however, that might make a huge difference for the Lakers this season.

Faith is complete confidence or trust in a person or thing; or a belief not based on proof. It may also refer to a particular system of religious belief.

The Golden State Warriors have it.  They have FAITH in one another as teammates and many have a strong faith in God.

I am not suggesting that the Lakers all "find God" and that this IS the answer.  However, if one does not trust his teammate, or the Coach it will ONLY be an uphill battle regardless of whomever the opponent is.

The Lakers MUST beat their BIGGEST opponent FIRST:



Did Kobe REALLY preach ball movement and THEN roll out a 6-22 FG and 0-5 on three point attempts?

With continued lack of efficiency and poor shot selection it will become more and more clear that Kobe's deficiencies as a player (currently) will continue to hurt the Lakers.

I can make the easy argument that Kobe IS the "GOAT" simply based on the fact that the guy is still playing at a relatively high level in spite of having two season ending injuries.  Most people would not be able to function/ walk the same let alone play in the NBA like he is.

That being said:

If the volume shots keep going up which then take shots from more efficient players in any given game, this will not ONLY produce more Losses but will breed a culture of negativity and animosity.

THIS is a dangerous game that "Old Kobe" is playing.

The Youth may only have patience for SO long....

And then you have a self-manifested "Culture" of ALL THINGS NEGATIVE which ONLY adds to why TOP FREE AGENTS are reluctant to come this way.

"I've had Enough..."