Friday, July 11, 2014

Cops out of (their) Cars Surrounding Comedians

Cops ,Cars, and Comedians on July 2, 2014 at approximately 1:00 AM

     Shotguns, Helicopters, and Comedy were happening Tuesday night at The Comedy Store on the Strip.  Was there so many bullets (verbal) flying from the stage late evening July First that the LA Sheriff's took it seriously?  When the Sheriff's office caught wind that there was a Mob over at the Comedy Store that they had to go crack down?
     It was shortly after our arrival Late Tuesday night, #LaffMobb Tuesdays,  that the Sheriffs showed up.  Holy Fuck did they hear that Chauncey and Bob were there !?  WE did get escorted out of the Laugh Factory on Saturday so perhaps they were sending a message.  (HaHa) There were 3-4 (cops) on the hill that leads to the parking garage, 4-5 cars to the left of the club on Sunset and another 4 or so to the right.  A helicopter flew directly overhead.  I saw at least a dozen badge wearing dudes and a lot of shotguns.  At one point I saw a riot shield get pulled out.
     What the fuck is going on?! I finally said, and so did many others there that night.  "That guy has a shield and those guys have shotguns," I remark.
     "Everybody needs to stay here.  You cannot leave.  You must stay inside the patio area," said someone from the Sheriff's regime. 
 We are being corralled!  And this shit ISN'T "OK!"

     Now, I have issues, just ask comedian Dom Irrera.  And, one of those issues is being told what to do, especially by the Po-Lice.  Under normal circumstances, I would have challenged that authority, although I am working on my issues as I hopefully grow a little wiser.  At this point NOBODY knew what the fuck is going on. 
     There had to be a couple hundred people on the patio.  Sunset was blocked off on the side of the street where the store sits.  People across the street at the HOB were stopping, gaulking and apparently taking really crappy videos that would then later show up in a TMZ report.  Hey, TMZ, next time you "acquire" some shitty video work, let me know, I've got some blurry photos for you too!

     So, let me get this straight: you want ME to stand inside HERE with a hundred people, or so,  while you stand outside surrounding the Comedy Store?  AND,  you're not telling US what is going on?  Hmmmm....

Exit, Stage Right... to the Original Room!

    Now, we came there to see Don Barris.  Mr. Barris closes there every night and we missed him on Saturday.  So, I wasn't ABOUT to let that happen AGAIN! Besides, if SHIT does go down, why would I want to be in a corral full of people when a scene from Scarface goes down? 

"Say Hullo to My Little Fren.."

     The only benefit in THAT scenario with being kept in the "Not OK" Corral with a hundred other people is that there are plenty of options for human shields!

Now, it has been "reported" that the reason WHY the Sheriff's Department was there was that "someone heckled Katt Williams about his race and height."  Speaking of "little friends," ARE YOU INSANE?!  Don't heckle this man!  You know why?  Because he IS Cray Cray.  YOU DO NOT HECKLE A CRAZY PERSON.  PERIOD.  Honestly, if that IS the case then I would say the punishment fits the crime.  If you heckle a crazy person then having an alleged gun waived in your face seems fitting.  Now, this story has not been corroborated, and there has been NO WARRANT issued for Williams.  Meanwhile, according to another report, Mr. Williams has claimed that it was 4 Cripps that rolled up on him near The Comedy Store and then placed the 911 call on him.  Like I said, dude is Crazy.  If this response doesn't prove it, I don't  know WHAT does.

Meanwhile, on stage in the Original Room, Mr. Don Barris KILLED, as usual, and probably should have been arrested for the #picklejar and other such shenanigans..

_ Chauncey and Bob on the Strip 
