Saturday, July 2, 2016

The Mayo, not Mustard, is off the hot dog: OJ Mayo Banned from the NBA and the insanity of NBA Free Agency

    This OJ, Mayo, might be moving slower today than a "slow white Bronco" carrying an OJ of a different last name some 20 years ago.  Speaking of a slow white Bronco, we will get to Peyton Manning shortly. 

OJ Mayo is Banned from the NBA

       Mayo came to a school that seemingly will forever be known as a "football school." Yet, somehow, USC pulled 1 of the two biggest names and brightest stars the nation had to offer that year (2007-8) coming out of High School.  That reminds me, how did Ben Simmons arrive at LSU?  Shaquille O'Neal recently told "us" that he (Shaq) went to LSU because, "they paid the most.  Don't worry the statute of limitations has worn off." 

  The other, Kevin Love, arrived in Westwood and the 
USC UCLA rivalry had some of its greatest basketball talent AND moments.

Mayo arrived at USC under some controversy, and scrutiny grew as the season progressed.  Questions about his age, money and gifts continued.  We all learned AFTER Mayo left there was at least money and gifts involved and USC was sanctioned as a result.

Perhaps what happened July 1, 2016 was some sort of karma.  Mayo might well be serving and paying the penance for what he was a part of back in 2007 when he escaped college without incident to make millions in the NBA.  That is now over for the next two years due to Mayo's violation of the NBA's Anti-Drug Policy.

The penance?  Banned from the NBA for two years AND reinstatement is not a guarantee.

Laker Fans might remember Robert Upshaw last season?  The un-drafted Center out of Fresno State via Washington.  A seven footer with all sorts of UPside yet fell away to the downside by also violating the same NBA anti-drug policy while playing for the Los Angeles D-Fenders.  Being as how Upshaw was in the process of making it to the NBA he may not ever get a chance to get back in.  Mayo?  We shall see.  These are two examples of harsh-realities in what May-O May NOT be a microcosm of society, given the nature of the current dollars being tossed around in this NBA Free Agency Period. Especially, when combined with a current society that yields things like pill-popping housewives in places like Newport Beach, California and young kids everywhere becoming macchiato-addicted, attention-starved maniacs that later replace their macchiatos with methamphetamine (a substance listed in the NBA Anti-Drug policy).

Do you know of another job where you can make 25 times more money from one year to the next?  What is 25 times greater than $857,615.00?  22 Million.  THAT is what Hassan Whiteside will be making in year one of his four-year $97,900,000.00 Guaranteed Deal he just signed with the Heat.  Chew on that for a moment.

Andre Drummond (Detroit Pistons) signed a comparable deal, albeit a larger total contract (130 M) where he will average 26 Million per season.  Drummond was previously making about 3 M per season so his jump was not as significant as Whiteside's.  Both have had their share of technical fouls, which is pretty usual, but Whiteside has had ejections with "kicking" and "fighting" on his NBA Record.


What happens when a guy that has been scrapping and clawing to get into and hang on in the NBA becomes one of the biggest Free Agent signings and has perhaps the most significant increases in "salary" in NBA History?

Jordan Clarkson went from the eight hundred thousand slot to about 13 Million per.  Kent Bazemore, who had a brief stint in LA, went from two million to 17.5 Million (average, per season).

We are seeing more significant "jumps" in salary due to the team salary cap increasing by an estimated 31% (from 72 Million to approximately 94 Million).

Did millions of dollars play a part in OJ Mayo's case?  Was his destiny already foreshadowed by his tarnished past of corruption with NCAA violations?  Maybe.  Maybe not.

This is where what is "between the ears" and upbringing will start to matter more and more as NBA franchises toss dollars around moreso than the USC boosters did that year to land Mayo in basketball and Reggie Bush in football.

Corruption is ever-present.  And, with increased dollars not only comes increased obligation and responsibility but also a greater propensity for corruption of any and all kinds to creep in.

Remember Ryan Leaf?  He was the second pick in the NFL Draft in 1998.  Peyton Manning was number one.
Ryan Leaf given multiple chances
 Leaf definitely had more chatter regarding his physical attributes at that time but he had questions about his "head" coming out of high school and college.  With Leaf adding twenty pounds before tryouts and Manning exceeding expectations on arm strength drills it made it easy for the Colts to draft Peyton with confidence.  Leaf goes to the San Diego Chargers and wrecks faster than the Amtrak Surfliner ride down the Pacific Coast.  Again, was this related to having millions or was the writing on the wall due to what is "between the ears?"  Something tells me we will begin to SEE the differences in Drummond vs. Whiteside much like we did in Manning vs. Leaf.

We are talking about being human as well.

Most people, when capturing an extra bonus or making a little extra during a regular pay period, might buy an extra nice pair of shoes or buy an extra cocktail at the bar.

Athletes?  Entertainers?  Drug problems, alcoholism and bankruptcies are, unfortunately, fairly prominent.

How many of "these guys" that are making these significant salary jumps will be singing "my Maserati drives 185" while actually driving 185 somewhere in Florida? Perhaps Biggie Smalls Hypnotize is more appropriate: "Escargot, my car go, 160, swiftly.." But, enough about Yasiel Puig...

These guys are ALL human.  And, as humans, we all make mistakes and failure of some kind IS imminent.  What is the price?

Mayo is now gone from the NBA where he had just earned 24 Million Dollars over the past 3 seasons and was up for a new contract in this crazy new world created by the CAP increase and owners' willingness to "make it rain" on the NBA's best and brightest.  Mayo may have cost himself an "easy" 70 Million Dollar Total Contract that folks like a Bazemore and a Dwight Howard just received (different total years of course).

Are we watching a bad Hollywood movie?  We already have.  Robert Downey Jr is an addict.  He has told us so and has claimed that he has been since the tender age of EIGHT.  He has had multiple relapses and convictions.  In June (1996) Downey was found with cocaine, heroin and a pistol in his car and was convicted on felony drug possession.  He served 1 year and three months.  Governor Jerry Brown pardoned Downey and thank GOD Jer had the foresight to NOT take "Iron Man" away from us because Downey is slated to make 200 Million Dollars on the next Avengers Film.  REPEAT: DOWNEY TO MAKE TWO HUNDRED MILLION on next AVENGERS film (look for human failure of an addict being given millions of dollars coming to a "real" theater near you..)

Perhaps the NBA should oversee the "Hollywood Anti-Drug Policy?" (ahem)

As crazy as this NBA Free Agency is, it pales in comparison to what the Hollywood "free agency" scene is.  Sports IS entertainment and the self-proclaimed "largest sports network in the world" is not only owned by Mickey Mouse Inc., it also starts with the letter "E" for Entertainment.

Based on the logic of this NBA free agency, combined with the life and times of a Robert Downey Jr., we should see more "cocaine" abuse from Mayo followed by a book deal and then a $250 million dollar (over 5 years) NBA deal in 2020.  So, things are looking up.

Someone, please.. STOP the insanity. What? Skip Bayless signed for HOW MUCH?  With FOX?

(I have to go..)

Iron Man, and drug addict, Robert Downey Jr to make around 200M on next Avengers film (source); mind blown?