Thursday, January 21, 2016

DEAR MITCH KUPCHAK: Roy (Hibbert) Meets Bench

The Los Angeles Lakers are all about winning.

Their current coach, Byron Scott, has even TOLD us and his players this IS the case.  

This kind of bold ness (when you consider the current state of affairs in LA) can MAKE you or BREAK you.  

With NINE WINS through the first half of games, and going into a third consecutive season of hovering around 20 wins it is easy to see they ARE NOT (currently winning (sorry Charlie Sheen)).

now, or at season's end: the one on our left should replace the one on our right

If the ever-growing elephant in the room is Roy Hibbert and I am "all about winning" I have a serious sit-down with Hibbert's agent, David Falk, and tell him to Falk Off.

Recently rumors have swirled about suggesting the Lakers are looking for a playoff team that could use Hibbert's services. (ahem)

Dear Lakers,

      The top THREE teams in the NBA: Spurs, GSW, CAVS (yes, in THAT order) called and they told me they do not need a slow, lethargic, slumbering center that can barely slide step into proper defensive position and put and/or KEEP his hands straight up.

So.. moving on to "tier 2" of the playoff teams: Clippers, OKC, Chicago, Atlanta, Miami, Memphis...Indiana?  ....

[insert the Ben Stein character in Ferris Bueller's Day Off]

Hibbert? .....   Hibbert?  ....  Anyone?... 


If I have to explain why none of those teams would consider a Roy Hibbert on their roster please stop reading this.  And, yes, I REALLY DO MEAN THAT.

Indiana (Larry Bird) walked away laughing at YOU and stole a second round pick along with "cash considerations" which amounted to cheeseburgers at Larry Legend's favorite burger joint in Indiana._

Mitch, you been French-Licked (or male-bitched!) son and no one is going to want to play with you unless:

1) There is a multi-player deal involving POS (piece of shit) for POS

Take Boston, for example, who have made it abundantly clear that David Lee is unwanted and open-for-trade....

YEP.  This kind of announcement is going to fetch you the exact same interest that Roy the BIG DeCOY Hibbert has... NONE.

Both these players come with a FIFTEEN + Million Dollar salary.

If someone wants their POS gone badly enough they may trade for someone else's POS.  Then you have to make the trade about landing a player you want now and see in your future plans.

This would be different, Mitch Kupchak, than trading Steve Blake to GSW for Kent Bazemore and Marshon Brooks to then let both Baze and Brooks WALK AWAY.  

This is different because 

1) Steve Blake is NOT a POS and 
2) You did not retain either of them for your mid-season pathetic salary dump transaction.

Mitch:  Add a player UNDER contract that you automatically retain.  QUIT trading for players that will be FAs in the immediate summer.  Fetch a player that CAN be used and retained.  BUT, you must be willing to forgo talent like: Tarik Black, Anthony Brown, et al 

(especially if YOU ARE NOT GOING TO PLAY TB. I bet MANY teams would LOVE to have him).

"In my opinion" ("it is my opinion because I am saying, "in my opinion" before I say it" 

_Charles Barkley #zeroRINGS, TNT

_ Talking about HIS opinion of HIS OPINION...(Kenny Smith and Shaquille O'Neal do everything NOT to face palm on camera and act as if NOTHING is happening).

In my opinion, 

The Lakers will be lucky to fetch anything greater than In-N-OUT double-doubles, with cheese, AND fries.  No fries, no deal.  Gift Cards welcome.  These Gift Cards are 1 per each person in management, good for 85 double-doubles each (No. 17 (Roy Hibbert's Jersey number) x 5 (players on a floor))



Stop Starting ROY.  Is he a part of your future plans?  If he is then your scouting department, which has been plucking ripe fruit for decades has quickly diminished.

I would like to trade him also; to try to get that draft-pick back, but you dun effed up.  


QUIT rolling ROY out there like a DECOY.   More PT is ONLY going to diminish any value and expose MORE of the deficiencies he has.  A self-proclaimed "defensive player" AND protector of the rim who does the following:

1) Lacks involvement around the rim, ie "aggression"
2) Makes himself smaller, not bigger, by shrugging backwards and downwards rather than standing upright with hands up
3) Poor Hand Positioning: 

In general whether at rim or at perimeter, this "TALLEST Player on the floor" diminishes a strength in length and size and gives it right back to the opponent by not stretching arms out to sides in a face up, perimeter defensive stance or under the rim with arms NOT up high.  This detracts from potential pass deflection by opponent and altered shots around the rim.  

In Summary: strength becomes a weakness

4) Lacks foot movement:  If the tallest player on the floor does NOT keep his hands up AND lacks lateral speed and quickness this becomes a glaring issue for ANY TEAM.  

With COACHING this player needs` to be disciplined in hand positioning and side-to-side speed to optimize player's abilities and strengths

Robert Sacre contains THESE fundamentals.  I would encourage the Coach to utilize Sacre and others like MWP , Bass, and Nance to scrimmage with focus on defensive positioning: slide and side steps, verticality, and lateral movement in general.

5) Offense:  This is another area where Roy gets the name, "Decoy."  This is all he is on offense.  A large guy that sets screens and takes up space.  Thus, some fans believe he is being used as a DECOY on offense because he serves NO PURPOSE. 

No one wants to pass it to him for these reasons:

a) Drops and misses passes regularly
b) A black hole in the post (mostly)
c) Man has NO post-game
d) No back to the basket threat_ To "get nerdy" on this I would have looked at Roy Hibbert's shooting percentage within 5 feet after eliminating put-backs and dunks.  It has to be dreadful.
e) DOES have a face up shot.  His 15 foot across the FT (Free Throw) Line extended, "short-17" is decent.  He AND Bass do a nice job out front.  Again, with Coaching AND in the RIGHT position OR system Roy Hibbert has value here but is getting underutilized in an area that is a strength for THIS PLAYER.

So, Mitch, if I see this (and I am just a fan) then what in THEE (not theeee Ohio State University alma mater to one D'Angelo Russell),


the big ugly from Indiana_ a favorite burger from "Bub's"

Falk YOU, David Falk.. 

roy meets bench