Friday, October 30, 2015

Too Many Options Not Enough Time? Lakers lose Season Opener to T'Wolves

Byron Scott went on record recently to say that he was still contemplating whether D'Angelo Russell would be starting (this past) Wednesday night vs the Minnesota T'Wolves.  Since then, we know that Mr. Russell did start:

4 Pts, 2 Ast, 3 Boards, 3 TOs in 25 Minutes

That kind of stat line doesn't necessarily make ANYONE happy and, no doubt, Russell would like to have that one back for personal reasons.  Perhaps the emphasis and focus should be MORE on the reasons WHY he should want this one back from a team perspective.

I am and have been "reserved" on Russell since draft night when the Lakers went bit-o-surprise with the pull of the Rabbit, not the Hare, out of the proverbial hat.

I both wonder and worry about this kid and I don't mean ANY disrespect.  D'Angelo is a man, no doubt, but he is young and inexperienced.  

Es lo Que es.  

And, by that I mean, there is no amount of experience you can muster that will prepare you for being the highest draft selection for this esteemed franchise since James Worthy went #1 back in 1982.

Let me phrase that in a different way:

D'Angelo Russell is the highest draft pick the Lakers have selected in 27 years.  

He has the attitude, demeanor and I believe is quoted as saying he thought he should have gone #1 overall (context.)  I get it.  The competitor within believes you ARE the best.  However, all players, including the GREAT Kobe Bryant take time to develop and Gelo is still wearing training wheels on a vehicle that has a lot of fast-moving and interchangeable parts.  If he is able to reel it back, walk humbly, let the game come to him and focus more on the desperately needed play-making attributes of HIS and He will be just fine.  If he comes off the bench: fine.  If he starts: fine.  It doesn't REALLY matter except from the simple stance of allowing the player to be in the best position for success as ANY top business professional would want for their respective team.  He needs reps and he NEEDS to be on the floor.  What he DOESN'T need is to concern himself with being anything than what he is: a 19 year old kid out of Ohio State that can ball.  And, oh yeah, ahem, STAY AWAY FROM TWITTER.  In fact, D'Angelo, just stay away from social media in general.  I realize this might be a huge challenge for a millennial.   

The Lakers have won NINE Titles over that span of 27 years since J Dub went #1.  That is ONE NBA RING every THREE YEARS.  That reminds me, does Charles Barkley have an NBA Championship?   RING? 


Lakers: #16RINGS  Charles Barkley: NIL

Moving On...

In fairness to D'Angelo regarding his game 1 "stat line":

" Five players had more than Russell’s 36 touches, including reserve power forward Ryan Kelly (39), who played five fewer minutes than the rookie."

I don't want to ever have to read information like this again for two reasons:

1) Ryan Kelly should never have more touches than Russell

2) Ryan Kelly should never have touches... Period

Too Harsh?

Kelly was 1 player in the second-to-last preseason game that was in the melee versus the Portland Trailblazers that led to an eventual win.  Most might remember that Ryan Kelly had this game-winning moment for the purple and gold.

Ryan Kelly might have actually saved his job (for the moment) with that play.  It was a great moment, however, for Kelly AND his teammates as he flew down the lane with the grace of a gazelle (everything is relative) before jamming home the game winning dunk.

However, prior to that wonderful moment of redemption which was desperately needed for self preservation, Mr. Kelly had been a part of watching the Blazers drop in a quick 5 points to tie the game.

Chris Kaman had grabbed a rebound off a miss and Ryan Kelly simply turned and faced the goal like a ten year old rec ball player that hasn't grasped the concept of blocking out. Kaman cruised to the basket, with not even a sniff from Kelly who was guarding him, swooped up the miss and dropped in a deuce.

Kelly then grabs the ball out of bounds, somewhat lethargically, and in-bounds the ball to a D'Angelo that was pushed to the edge by Portland's jock-riding D as the final ticks on the clock shined bright over the

                 "94 by 50 hunk of wood." _chick

Kelly NEVER looked Russell off and he NEVER saw anything but Russell.  That just left Portland to force the opposition's point guard to one of the worst spots you can be: the sideline.  D'Angelo bobbles, Portland retrieves, Kelly stands in the middle ... and a three comes raining down to tie the game.  This was fundamentally bad basketball all around and, quite frankly, probably got pushed to the wayside as a result of the Ryan Kelly version of " Jumpman23 "flying from the free throw line.  The ONLY differences are that it wasn't Michael Jordan and that it was from two feet out.  Other than those TWO differences they were the same DUNKS.

This is AIR "Jor-DAN," NOT to be CON-FU-SED with Air "Kelly"

Should Kelly or any other LAKER play poor fundamental basketball at all, especially on a consistent basis then, yes, I stand firm on the aforementioned stance:

2) Ryan Kelly should never have touches... Period" 

This could be anyone on the team at any given time for this reason: The Lakers need EVERY mathematical edge, or advantage, they can conjure up to put themselves in the best possible position to win.  Let's be REAL.  Get past our noses and realize how difficult the West is and continues to be.  This is old hat. If I am building the future NOW with such expectations on a squad that starts THREE very young players I have no time AND ZERO TOLERANCE for "experimenting" OR being so stubborn to avoid certain situations OR player combos whether it relate to philosophy or lineage.  BS is blessed with young talent this season.  No Doubt, when the D-League gets started here in a minute ( D-League Draft this Saturday) both Anthony Brown and Nance II should be back-and-forth between Varsity and JV like JC did for half of last NBA season.  They will join training camp invitee Robert Upshaw.  The D-Fenders are looking at rolling out lineups looking like:

Manny "Michigan Mamba" Harris

Vander Blue (by YOU)

Anthony Brown

Larry 2

Big UpShaw

SEE them while you can.  Some were fortunate to see Xavier, JC, Manny, Bari, and Vander last season for a bit.  THIS is Exciting but also frightening.  Just in time for Halloween I suppose.  Arguably and especially considering certain situations or subs that both Anthony Brown AND Nance II have shown enough to say that they ARE better then those handful of Lakers "ahead of them" on the bench.  Concurrent with a "Hind-Sight's Glance" what would having Jabari Brown on the roster in lieu of Kelly.  Their Guard options are thin overall and if J. Brown is on Roster is it he, Nance II, OR A. Brown that gets minutes in

Personally, I would have sent either one (A. Brown / Nance II) and/OR Both starting with the third quarter (provided they have health).   The Lakers CAN force the behavior or action by increasing/ decreasing size/ length/ skill/ etc by the various combinations and B'rid players they have.  Does it REALLY matter that we are calling Kobe Bryant a Forward or a Guard?  A "2" OR a "3?"  JC? D'Angelo? LOU? Swaggy? Marcelo? OK, so now take any 4 of those and add Randle at the 5.  

THIS MUST HAPPEN! (is that too direct?)

But THAT did NOT happen.  What happened instead was Ryan Kelly picked up 20+ minutes, a bulk of which were in the 4th quarter.  When did the Lakers begin handing their lead OVER? Hold on... oh yeah, it says right here:

" Approximately 2:39 left in the third quarter when Ryan Kelly was inserted" _ SiriDOESGoogle (so it ain't thaat precise like my spellin)

Kelly closed the quarter out.  REPEAT.  Ryan "not 1 of the best 5 players in a Laker uniform" Kelly closed out a tight game that the Lakers end up losing by ONE.

Es lo que es

mas y meno

Incidentally: #Randle4ROY

is he eligible?

Did you know? Vander Blue had an offer of approximately $1M to play for the Lakers 2015-16?  Next thing you see Blue wearing RED for the BULLS in #NBASUMMER. HUH?
Blue will be back for the D-Fenders (oooops)


Looking to correct Google after typing "top Ten NBA Players to NEVER WIN NBA Championship" and seeing THIS



I do know, since he is ON THIS list, Charles Barkley is at least 1 of NBA's TOP 50 players to NEVER win an NBA Title. Does HE deserve "Top 10 Consideration?"