Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Adios Senor Gardner: Kiwi Gardner heads south to Mexico from the NBA D-League

I went to my first D-League game two seasons ago.  Earlier on THAT day, on Twitter, I saw a post that had a link to something like this:

"I'm willing to die for the WIN.." _ Kiwi Gardner

So, I walked into the gym in El Segundo, early, and immediately see a gentleman wearing a suit and a hat.  The hat was blue and gold and said, "Santa Cruz Warriors."  I began speaking to him and chatted for awhile.  Turns out that this gentleman was Kiwi Gardner's Grandfather.  If the twitter link wasn't enough to get me excited about seeing "Kiwi," the conversation with his grandfather got me more pumped.

Kiwi Gardner: Tenacity, Speed, Skills

Unfortunately, Kiwi didn't play that day but there were more games to come.  I started following "Kiwi."  Was he playing? How many minutes? Etc.  I finally got to see him play.  You will generally see the phrase "You Tube Phenom," or "Sensation" when Kiwi Gardner's name is "Googled."  But, "Gardner" is MUCH more than that.

He changes the game.

He impacts it much like Derrick Caracter was doing that same season, two years ago, in "the D."  Lakers Fans may remember Caracter, a 6-9, 276 lb , Forward/Center out of the University of Texas El Paso.  No one could handle Caracter in the D.  He was too big.  If you needed a bucket, you could toss the ball down to the big man and he would bully his way to the hoop for two.

Kiwi Gardner on the other hand?  He is NOT 276 pounds.  Kiwi is about 5-7 and weighs in at about 170.

But, his speed and quickness overwhelmed EVERYONE.  He CAN shoot, has mad handles, mad hops and sees the floor exceptionally well with insanely crisp passing ability.  Mistakes?  Yes.  He makes them because he IS human.  He drives the lane and finishes up and over 7-footers, however, those same bigs knock his shots down on occasion too.  The difference between he and most "other" players?  He NEVER quits and when you are dealing with a guy who's attitude is a willingness to "die for the win," you see that tenacity on the court in someone who never gives up.  His energy is infectious and cannot be matched. TRUTH

There are so many talented players in the D that remain around the league at their chance at being called up.  One of the top prospects that season, Manny Harris, became a Laker at the end of the season but he didn't get signed after his consecutive 10-day contracts.  The other "top prospect" that season, Pierre Jackson is now a Sixer.  That season, the Pelicans had his rights and would not bring him up to the big squad.  He has since found that opportunity.

Seth Curry, a teammate of Gardner's along with Mychel Thompson, got his NBA opportunity after his performance in the NBA Summer League.

Kiwi wasn't participating in Vegas.


He was asked to play on the T-Mac Comeback tour where he dropped 40 points in China:

Two seasons ago, the Lakers acquired Kendall Marshall from the Delaware 87ers.  He had "some" success but at the end of the day you are talking about a player with sub-standard lateral movement, predictable moves at the rim, a set-shot that fell off to the point where teams were letting him shoot, and overall athleticism that made things difficult for him to defend and board.  Essentially he is a 6-5 guard who lacks speed and athleticism at the NBA level who is no outside threat nor has a pull-up jumper and THIS GUY got a job in the NBA over a player like Kiwi?

Kiwi on the other hand?  Right now would be one of the fastest and quickest players in the league if not THEE...

His handles will drive you mad and dude has a shot.  Kiwi is NOT (just) a You Tube sensation, he is a legitimate talent with a lot to offer.  The Lakers have had big problems with slowing down the opposing team's quick guards.  Kiwi solves that problem for a team in the NBA like the Lakers.

Nance Jr was drafted by the Lakers to be a guy that specializes in defense, rebounding and hustle.  Anthony Brown? A supposed three point specialist.  Other "Bigs" are added to a roster just to be space-eaters or rebounders. So, why not take a chance on Kiwi?  Seth got his deal.  I still take Kiwi over Seth.  No offense, I like Seth, and he was a guy that I had been tweeting about for the Lakers to grab the past 1-2 seasons.

Kiwi also has something about him.  He has that "it" factor.  He is always pumping his teammates up and he gets guys dialed in.  He is a true leader and you can see that not only in his game but in him as a human being.  This guy is a stud. 

                At 5-7" he overpowers his competition and, no doubt, literally runs circles around them.  

He had some decent minutes in his rookie campaign in the D that contained some brilliant moments.  THIS led him to a call back to the same organization that drafted him (Santa Cruz Warriors) with their last pick the year prior.  Kiwi was a returning player in year 2, but his PT (Playing Time) fell off.  

Has the NBA window closed?  Hopefully not.  Kiwi is ONLY 22.  But, he has moved on.  Like so many players in the D who lose patience (any money) by hanging around the NBA's minor league system.  Top players can go overseas and make millions.

Dear El Presidente de los Mochis,

      Play Kiwi at least 30 minutes per game, por favor, so we, fans and the NBA, get to see what Mr. Gardner has to offer.

- muchas gracias

Kiwi has a brother..


I hope someone gets it right...

Adios (for now),

Senor Gardner


             Buena Suerte