Tuesday, July 7, 2015

eScaping the GOAT s : Kobe Bryant is NOT the top DOG in Los Angeles

"Kobe" NOT #1 Dog in L.A.
Greatest Of All-Time?


How does one go about replacing a GOAT? Is there a plan for that in the ol' playbook?

The Lakers have been down this path before which doesn't mean they have the "Xs" and "0s" down on this at all.  Not a lot of franchises can say that.  We are talking about the end of yet another Hall-Of_Fame player's career while wearing the Purple and Gold, whom many consider the Greatest to have ever played.  Sure, CAVS fans (now) might say it's LeBron.  Celtics?  Larry  Spurs? Timmy  and, oh yeah there's Magic and Michael.. Kareem.  The actual G.O.A.T is quite a list, but Kobe Bryant's name will forever be registered upon it.

There are many out there that believe Kobe CAN play past this season.

This may very well be the case, but what is IN-Arguable is that "this player" has played a combined 41 in the past two seasons.  He will be 37 during this season, the final year of a two-year deal where he is slated to make $25 MILLION.

Sure.  Kobe HAS been the MAN.  He HAS provided US with some of LA Laker and Los Angeles Sports' History's most magical moments but did you know that the name "KOBE" is NOT the Top Dog name in and around LA?  I was surprised too.

This team, this franchise, this FAMILY must plan and prepare for their next steps After Kobe, AK.  Either way, Kobe Bryant, whether many Laker Fans wish to admit or not is NOT the same player.  This is NOT a knock.  Just based on the fact that he has suffered back-to-back significant injuries he is not.  KOBE tends to say the right things when it comes to what is glaring reality.  He did this last year regarding his "health" and "age" on NBA Media Day (2014) saying that he needs to just "go with nature" and "not fight it."

The Future looks bright GOLD with this young CORPS
Well Kobe, now is your chance.  YOU now have a player in D'Angelo Russell that you can pass the Laker Torch to.  Hell, you actually have an entire team and corps of youth around you.  These Baby Lakers are skilled.  How will you lead?

You may NOT get another chance at a ring.  You may not get another chance at another season.  Who knows.  We ALL know about your greatness.  Your accolades.  Your achievements.  How will YOU be remembered going forward?

More of a labrador retriever (top canine breed named Kobe) and less of a MAMBA? Perhaps " 24 " needs to multiply by 3 again and enter into this final "LEG" of his experience with a new identity.  Or, add ONE?  25.  As in $25 MILLION.  Was IT worth it?  All the chatter around Social Media and beyond relating to Kobe's current two-year deal at $48 MILLION.  It HAS to challenging dealing with a GOAT.  I mean a GOAT  is...  

Kobe and Jim Buss may have something in common after all..

...well, a GOAT CAN be MANY things.  

And Jimmy Buss may end up a scapegoat when ALL is said and done.  Just recently, in light of what some might call Free Agency Failures, many fans, celebs and local broadcasters have been calling for the head of either Mitch Kupchak or Jim Buss.

In fairness to Jim Buss, he has had to step into one of the most challenging positions of ALL-Time.  He had to replace a REAL G.O.A.T, Dr Jerry Buss:

The Greatest Sports Franchise Owner of All-Time.  Period.

Now, head on over to Southie in Baaston, Mass. and start your survey with some wrinkly old red-faced Irishman who is approximately 65 years old and see what he says.  We can sit here ALL DAY and have interesting debate over who the greatest basketball player of all time.  Team Owners?  The list begins and ends with Buss.

Dr. Buss the Actual G-O-A-T

So, how do you think it is to be the son of the greatest sports team owner of ALL-Time?


Kareem Abdul Jabbar's Son is NO Kareem.

Michaels' Son?


Shaq?  (we'll see...)

Buss has taken a beating in the media and from fans.  Many disliked him from the beginning of his tenure.  Maybe he relishes this role that he is in.  Determined to make his own path and his own way in light of all of the harsh criticisms that he has had to endure.  The Lakers have not hit the EJECT BUTTON yet and Jim Buss has come out on several occasions to say he will step down if need be.  He said this in 2014.  He said he would step down from his position if the Lakers are not in Contention in 3-4 years.  

Do you realize how BALLSY that is?  I mean, even if you are the biggest Jim Buss Hater of ALL-time you must admit that takes some balls.


Where is it in today's SPORTS?

Apparently, it's in Los Angeles and it's riding a Buss of another name: Jim Buss

Regardless of what you think.  Regardless of what the future holds, Jim and Mitch have stuck to their guns and not just blown budget to grab just anyone.  They have shrewd in their spending and wise with their (draft) selections.  No ONE person could have predicted how putrid the deals for DH12 and Nashty ended up being.  And, the fact that Aldridge even considered the Lakers should say a lot by itself.  The Lakers are not good.   


Ok, let me say it another way.  The Western Conference is brutally competitive.  This has taken YEARS to develop.  The NBA, as a whole, has gotten better and better and the WEST is now ridiculous to get through.  

Aldridge..Love.. they didn't want to wait and that is NO knock on Jim and Mitch.

es lo que es

"it IS what it IS"

Want to know what the Lakers DO HAVE? This talented group of Baby Lakers.  Kobe's expiring contract... Roy Hibbert's (?) , and increase on the SALARY CAP of nearly $22 Million Next Season and they have put themselves ahead of MANY teams by being able to capture nearly anyone they want.  Scratch that.  Nearly ANY BIG 3 they want.

They also have THIS:


Laker Lore