Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Seventeen: The Elusive Ring of the Los Angeles Lakers

     My how things have changed for the esteemed Purple and Gold,

 the Los Angeles Lakers.

Fox wore 17 in hopes to capture THAT ring
Not that long ago, "we" fans were salivating over the pursuit of that "next" ring.

Number 17

Spoiled? No doubt.

For as long as I can remember, the Lakers have been on top of their division under the watch of the late, great Dr. Jerry Buss.  Sure, there was a mediocre season here and one there but the Legacy of Dr, Buss also left us accustomed to winning a championship every other year.  Or so it seemed, just ask Magic Johnson who was drafted by the Lakers in 1979 (the year Buss acquired the team):

"The Lakers won five championships-including two straight in the 1987 and 1988 seasons-and reached the NBA finals eight times during the 1980s,  Magic's first ten years as a pro and the leader of our team.  So our success was no coincidence.  I once told a friend that when Earvin Johnson Jr. was born, he was sprinkled with Magic Dust." _ Jerry West , Foreward "Magic's Touch."

From the beginning of Buss's tenure "we" were spoiled.  We were spoiled with players like Kareem, Wilkes, Cooper, Magic, Nixon, McAdoo and Worthy...

#1 pick overall gave "US" the Worthy Glide

...that helped birth the Showtime Era.  Others like Mychal Thompson, AC, Byron and Rambis helped along the way.  And then later with Kobe, Shaq, and Phil (1.0 AND 2.0) along with Fox, Horry and D-Fish "We" seemed to always have the talent to take on ALL comers and usually end up on top.

It became almost silly to watch as the Lakers won THREE Rings in a row from 2000-2002. Then The Logo, Mr. Clutch, Zeke from Cabin Creek left the Lakers after 40 years.

That was then.

Today's story is much different.  Today's story excludes both Jerrys (Buss AND West).  And, the ONLY name from Laker Lore is an aging and breaking down Kobe Bryant.  A fan said to me recently, "Next year is Kobe's last season," and I replied, "No, two years ago was Kobe's "last season."  For the generation that has been blessed to have born into and have been raised during "Kobe's Reign."  To ALL those that have named their animals "Kobe," "Bean" or "Mamba," rest assured that he IS one of the Greatest of All-Time.  It's just, well, he played 78 games in 2012-13 and a total of 41 between this season and last.

We ALL know THAT story.  And "this" might help get us to where we are now:

1) December 7, 2011:Commissioner Stern vetoes a trade that would have brought Chris Paul to the Lakers

2) August 10, 2012: The Lakers mortgage future picks (2 conditional) to acquire DH12 and HE Did NOT stay.

3) July 5, 2012: The Lakers pull a sign and trade for Steve Nash, which included Four Draft Picks (2 first-rounders and two second-rounders).  And he never REALLY arrived.

4) February 18, 2013: Dr. Buss passes _ ownership changes hands to the Buss Family (Jeanie, Jim, Johnny, Janie, Joey and Jesse).

5) April 12, 2013: Kobe Bryant tears his achilles.

6) 2013-14 Season: 319 combined games missed which led the NBA, including the loss of Kobe Bryant from the start (Achilles Injury) and Kobe Bryant after breaking his knee (December 17, 2013)

7) July 18, 2014: Pau Gasol decides to take less money to play with a better team and he returns to All-Star form

8) June 26, 2014: The Lakers Draft Julius Randle with the number seven selection. This was the first time since 1982 that the Lakers had a top ten pick (#1 overall, James Worthy).

You Can't Handle Randle. JR came in with high hopes

9) 2014-2015: Another injury riddled season including Kobe Bryant (shoulder) and top draft pick Julius Randle (leg)

"We" are now left with a collection of guys that are still trying to find their way in the league, including recent NBA D-League "call-up" Jabari Brown and second round draft pick Jordan Clarkson who were teammates at Mizzou.  Peeler?  Peeler? Anyone?

The "Magic" seems to have left.  Could this be more of a result of losing both Jerry's? Could it be bad luck?  OR, perhaps it is a little of both.

Some, well, MANY fans, including Magic, blame Jim.  Jim Buss, the current executive of basketball operations of the Los Angeles Lakers, said last year in a family meeting,

"I was laying myself on the line by saying if this doesn't work in three or four years, if we're not back on top- and the definition of  top means contending for the Western Conference, contending for a championship- then I will step down because that means I have failed."  

One has to appreciate the accountability.  And, many would agree or perhaps argue that Jim should step away sooner than that.

In the meantime, Jerry West has taken his "Magic Dust" to the Dubs (Golden State Warriors) and we have seen role reversals of fortunes.  This image, from March 16, 2015, shows GSW with 52 wins which is tops in the Pacific Division and the Lakers stuck on "SEVENTEEN" which has them struggling on this "94 by 50 hunk of wood..." _Chickism, Chick Hearn

"Oh My" how Things Have Changed

Could any Owner, GM, or Coach endure what the Lakers have endured the last three years and been in contention?  Probably NOT.

However, if the Lakers continue to not be able to land key all-star talent in Free Agency, and other moves or decisions do NOT pan out then Jim Buss' statement of stepping down may come to fruition. And, Ring "Number 17" shall remain elusive.


Should the Lakers land serious talent in the draft, sign some top Free Agents in the off-season and really come together as a team, they stand a chance at getting back into playoff contention next season.  Wait, didn't "We" say that last year?

Nothing will be sweeter than to see the Lakers back on top.  After ALL the drama, the misfortune, the conspiracies, and the injuries.


"It was a very good year..."

Let's hope THIS RINGs TRUE