Monday, September 29, 2014

BeaverTails and Poutine: #NBAMediaDay

Today was NBA Media Day.  Clip of ALL the Lakers Media Day can be seen here:

The secret to the LAkers success may lie here:

1) Bobby Sacre is Canadian:  In what "appeared" to be a pretty serious inquisition about Robert Sacre's "eth-ni-city" by Kelli Tennant , Mr. Sacre quickly shifted gears into speaking about his homeland's cuisine.  (whew, not the "border" issues that I THOUGHT we were going to discuss).

Often referred to as, "Adonnis", by SwaggyP, El Presidente de #Sacremento gave us ALL the secret to being a Greek God.

        Bobby Sac's Guide to Godly-ness

     A) Beavertails:  When Mr. Sacre presented Miss Tennant with the news of his eating Beavertails she seemed a bit speechless.

FerReal ?
I was too.  It sounded hilarious when Bobby delivered this "News," but he quickly followed up with an explanation of what, "BeaverTails" is.  Thank you, Mr. Sacre.

BeaverTails: The BeaverTails pastry is similar to several other fried dough pastries and is topped with a choice of sweet condiments and confections, such as whipped cream, banana slices, crumbled oreos, and Nutella. BeaverTails Canada Inc. through franchising currently operates 33 stores and 43 BeaverTails and Queues de Castor stands worldwide.[2] _wikipedia
 B) Poutine ( (/pˈtn/French: [putin]Quebec French:[put͡sɪn] ( )) Yes, this is pronounced just like "Putin." 

You're Welcome
This is Putin, riding a Bear (or is it the other way around?)

Poutine, however, "is a common Canadian dish, originating in Quebec, made with french fries, topped with a light brown gravy-like sauce and cheese curds.[1] This fast food dish can now be found across Canada, and is also found in some places in the northern United States and even the United Kingdom, where it is sometimes required to be described due to its exotic nature." _wikipedia


Clearly, Mr. Sacre has enjoyed some BeaverTails and some Poutine this Summer.

Other than THAT, the only other "takeaway" was this:

(As Kobe Bryant leans in as if to say quietly to James Worthy and Geeter, "Why, in thee hell, is *Arash Markazi behind me taking a picture of the back of my head?"

But, instead, he said this:

" NOT resist NATURE..."

(@kobebryant quote regarding his current health, status, and BEYOND)

*Arash Markazi rumored to have played an audio clip similar to THIS on LAkers Media Day.  Kobe, allegedly, heard it and made sure that Mr. Markazi was only "allowed" to take a picture of, "the back of my head," said Kobe, and, (pointing to his grill)  "because this is a money-maker and THAT will cost him MONEY!"  

 According to a "s o u r c e" the microphone sizzled, the PA went silent and there were glimpses of JB's ghost nearby.  

Oh, no, apparently it was Donald Sterling lurking about the halls as he is rumored to have a new "basketblog." 

Anyways, the point is this: not sure how "credible the source" IS. (must be ESPN related)

 Later, Mr. Markazi stated to Kobe that he had played "Death & Vader: The Empire Strikes Back," not the same "Empire Strikes Back theme the Lakers played for his comeback LAST season.

Clearly, the Great Kobe Bryant influenced by Vic the Brick Jacobs with his "bend don't break" Phil-o-so-phy.  May the student finally become the teacher in this year's journey to #purplengold excellence?

The Laker Rookies, both, are looking good with their work ethic and doing extremely well handling themselves as the young pros that they are.

I hope we all have a sense of humor like Mr. Bobby Sacre.  We can ALL learn from that.  I hope we ALL also learned a little bit about Canadian pastries in the meantime.  The Lakers WILL need the interior defense of Sacre this season to be more on point than his comedy game and THAT is saying a lot!