Sunday, April 27, 2014


A commentary by C BigUpps

April 27, 2014

These comments were made by NBA commentator Jalen Rose on ABC during halftime of the Chicago Bulls v. Washington Wizards (4/27/14).

This may clearly and succinctly summarize the characteristics of the behavior and attitude displayed by Clippers owner Donald Sterling in a recently taped conversation he had with his girlfriend.  

Much has been said, written, and tweeted since the release of the recorded conversation.  I cannot say that I disagree with any of the backlash and reaction including a video posted by Snoop Dogg on Instagram.  I "favorited" the video but chose not to "retweet" it as much as I agreed with the message.

The articles that are coming out mention the history of discrimination, including the lawsuits (multiple), that Mr. Sterling has been involved in.  To learn more about that you can start by reading this article, written by Bomani Jones in 2006, regarding this matter: [CLICK HERE]

What we can see is that there is a HISTORY of racist attitudes and discrimination with Donald Sterling.  So, in the famous words of  former NFL Coach, Dennis Green in 2006, 

                        "THEY ARE WHO WE THOUGHT THEY WERE..."  

Yes.  NBA players, like Baron Davis, have  been trying to share this story for awhile: 

Donald Sterling 

                IS who we thought he ignorant, racist, bigot.. _ @CBigUpps

Although I shared the same feelings: disgust, anger, disdain, hatred, etc. for the comments made by Sterling I also realized how IGNORANT those comments made by him are.  I moved past the Anger and felt Sorrow for this individual and began to feel a different emotion.  

Compassiona feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by strong desire to alleviate the suffering.^source:

"Racism springs from the lie that certain human beings are less than fully human. It's a self-centered falsehood that corrupts our minds into believing we are right to treat others as we would not want to be treated."

 This individual (Sterling) is stricken with an ignorance, a disease, a learned behavior that has NO place in our society, however, it does exist.

I agree, whole-heartedly, with the tweet sent out by Magic Johnson on April 26, 2014:

" and I will never go to a Clippers game again as long as Donald Sterling is the owner."

However, wouldn't it be something if, let's say, Magic Johnson, Matt Kemp and Snoop Dogg got together and went to a Clippers game next season and walked up to Mr. Sterling with a handshake or a hug and expressed their sorrow for HIS Sadness.. For HIS Ignorance... For HIS behavior? I would like to be there.


There is NO Excuse for these comments and attitudes by 
Donald Sterling. One harsh reality is that this individual
may NEVER change. I pray he does. Perhaps it is this 
moment that will perpetuate that change.

However, do the reactions need to also perpetuate anger 
and hatred toward another individual?

On the one hand you have someone who has a clear history of such behavior and has clearly illustrated his ignorance.  On the other hand you have reactions that are premeditated.

 There ARE SIGNS everywhere YOU GO..